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...para Ana Sá Lopes (asl), Nuno Simas (ns) e João Pedro Henriques (JPH). Sobre tudo.[Correio para]

terça-feira, outubro 25

qual pela vida qual carapuça, ó cambada

após curta ausência (sim, jph, asl, ns, eu tb tenho direito a licença), regresso em inguelêz, com copy-paste e até maiúsculas, tudo roubado de um email da federação internacional para o planeamento da família, e a propósito do já nauseante de tão recorrente e arrastado tema do aborto, do referendo que é e não é e pode ser, da lei que não é aplicada mas devia DE ser até talvez como em espanha e quê (desde que li o director do público a defender a aplicação da lei portuguesa à espanhola -- a tal aplicação que um certo colégio da especialidade da ordem dos médicos, numa certa resposta a um certo questionário jornalístico, considera fraudulenta por certificar que uma mulher grávida contra sua vontade incorre em grave risco para a sua saúde psíquica -- acho que realmente já me falta ver pouca coisa: só faltava agora ESSE argumento para tentar evitar a mudança da lei):

Redefining 'pro-life'

Source : Berkshire Eagle (US), October 17, 2005. Author : Bill Shein. (Article shortened by Marcel Vekemans)

Too much public policy is distorted by the mixing of religion and politics, and by the meaning of the term "pro-life": it is time to redefine the label and its implications.
Pro-life means:

1. Environmental protection. Commitment to life means commitment to a life-sustaining planet. It cannot be pro-life to accelerate the destruction of our fragile ecosystems and to put short-term economic interests of the few ahead of the long-term survival of the human race.

2. Ending weapons sales. Opposing war and speaking out against the use of violence to resolve differences between nations. It is not pro-life to support military action.

3. Ensuring quality health care, affordable housing and a living wage for all. Those who are healthy, fed, sheltered and have hope for the future can afford to bear children. That means fewer abortions.

4. Guaranteeing prenatal and postnatal care. Every woman, regardless of income, needs to protect her health and that of her baby.

5. Sex education and condom distribution to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Fewer teen pregnancies would mean fewer abortions.

6. Opposition to the death penalty. It is not pro-life to allow taking of life.

7. Requiring consistency from those who claim to want to "protect innocent life." Aren't children affected during bombing raids? What about children living downwind from poorly regulated power plants?

It is not pro-life:

· to oppose abortion while doing little to reduce the rate of infant mortality
· to intimidate, threaten or harass women, or to seek to take control of their bodies

Until we broaden the meaning of “pro-life” and change the way it is used in our political discourse, we will continue to endure government priorities that are nothing of the sort.
|| f., 16:31


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