Glória Fácil...

...para Ana Sá Lopes (asl), Nuno Simas (ns) e João Pedro Henriques (JPH). Sobre tudo.[Correio para]

domingo, junho 17

the fight in us and what you look for, like

'i'm in a terrible mood. i'm feeling terrible at the moment.

well, at least you haven't, lost your looks.

haven't i?

nope. the fight's still in you, you look pretty good.

it's funny, that sensation that you're loosing it, it's very odd.

losing what, the fight or the looks?

both. i think they're all connected.

you mustn't loose the fight.

it's not entirely in one's control, i don't think.'

(deception, philip roth)
|| f., 22:36


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